Western countries intend to interfere in Iran’s internal affairs by claiming human rights
Mrs. Romina Guadalupe Perez Ramos, considered her honor to be in Religions and Denominations University expressing her surprise in capabilities of this university.

According to the university’s public relations report, the Ambassador of Bolivia, Mrs. Romina Perez Ramos, while attending the Religions and Denominations University, met and talked with Hojjat-ul-Islam- wal-Muslimin Seyyed Abul Hassan Nawab, the President of the Religions and Denominations University.
In this meeting, Ms. Romina Perez Ramos, while expressing her desire to start cooperation with the Religions and Denominations University and inviting Hojjat-ul-Islam-wal-Muslimin Seyyed Abul Hasan nawab to give a speech to the ambassadors of South America, said: I hope cooperate with the Religions and Denominations University play a role in the continuation of cooperation with Iran as well as cooperation with Iranian universities
The president of the university said i have read your biography and I am glad that Bolivia chose such an important and knowledgeable person as its ambassador and I appreciate of your government pointed to the good taste of the Bolivian government in choosing a woman with a history and experience as the ambassador of this country to the Islamic Republic of Iran.
The president of Religions and Denominations University continued: My relationship is very good with the ambassadors of other foreign countries such as European and Asian countries and more important South American countries and I have had about 42 trips to these countries. South America is the most oppressed region in the world. It was take in our minds that these countries have no civilization and these countries have no identity. Later we found out that America is one of the largest human civilizations. I have traveled to most of these countries and have made about 600 foreign trips.
The president of the Religions and Denominations University added; we have different fields in this university and regarding women, our Faculty of Women and Family is the only faculty regarding women in Iran. The Religions and Denominations University pays special attention to the issue of women, and for this reason, it has established the Faculty of Women’s Studies. Of course it is not enough if we dedicate all universities to the women. The subject of women is very important and nearly 4 billion of the earth population are women. Humanity has not yet reached a mutual understanding of women. In some countries, women are used as goods, or women are used as a boast or for fun.
He continued: We have not yet reached a common point with women and women’s employment in the world. And this subject is complicated. In Islam, we have a comprehensive model about women. But there are different views about women and there are extremes in acting to this Islam. The news is exchanged between the countries ambassadors and you are aware of the issues and events that are happening here , and you know what is going on in Iran and other countries. Therefore, you understand my words well. Referring to the issues that have been going on about hijab in recent months, he considered these events to be the result of the malice of the enemies and the excesses of the insiders.
Later, Mrs. Romina Perez Ramos, while thanking the honorable president of Religions and Denominations University said: Every tribe and community has its own traditions, issues and beliefs, and when we talk about the Islamic Republic, the majority of people voted for it based on the referendum. So, naturally, they accept the laws of this country, and no country can say why this society is governed this way. This issue shows an important part of the independence of countries. But we see that imperialist countries intervene.
Ms. Romina Guadalupe Perez Ramos also expressed her surprise at the capabilities of the Religions and Denominations University and considered her honor to be in this university. He said about the current issues related to women: We see that Western countries intend to interfere in Iran’s internal affairs by claiming human rights, while the same countries have imposed many sanctions on Iranian people in the field of food and medicine, and this shows the hypocrisy of the West.
Their double behavior can be seen where they intervene in countries in culture or food form. They do not allow such interference. We must respect the beliefs and opinions of others.
About recent events in Iran she said: I am not sure if you know or not? In Bolivia, they summoned me regarding the misinterpretation that the media made about my words about the protests in Iran. A combined war has taken place in Iran is what I see in Iran. I had not talked about women. But in the media, it was interpreted that the ambassador condemned the protests. This issue caused a lot of noise. Because I am the head of the parliamentary women of all American countries from Canada to Argentina. What happens is that every country has its own policies and it should be respected. For example, in our country, the law is such that about 50% of the parliament is made up of women, and it should be respected. In Iran, women also go to university and are active, and the Iranian government must decide what laws to implement.
In the continuation of the meeting, the honorable president of the university asked them to talk a little about Bolivia’s economy. And he asked them how is the economic situation of Bolivia?
The situation has changed a lot Since Mr. Morales came, since 2006, she said. Because before him, we owed money to the International Fund, and we were also dictated by America to stop us from improve. She explained that before the Morales government, the rich mines and natural reserves of this country were in the hands of multinational companies, and were given to Bolivia only 20% of the profits from the extraction and export of products. Bolivia has lots of wealth and lithium mines are very active currently and others like gold mine were active before. What happened was that these mines were not industrialized. With Mr. Morales, we were able to nationalize these industries and move towards the industrialization of these products and prevent them from being sold raw.
You should know that this country has about 11 million people also, but we have decided to have a new census in the upcoming elections. We have a lot of ethnic and cultural diversity. 36 ethnic groups live in this country and Aymara and Keshwa is two biggest of them. If I want to explain, the Aymaras were the largest civilization in this land before the Incas. We are among the top 10 civilizations in the world Along Iran. The civilization of Iran, Iraq and China in Asia, the civilization of Egypt in Africa, the civilization of Greece and Rome in Europe and the rest of the civilizations existed in America all, especially South America. However, the countries that had no civilization started to colonize these regions and entered their new age by stolen wealth from this country.
Confirming these words, the Bolivian ambassador said: Experts believe that Bolivia would be connected to Spain if built a bridge over the ocean by extorted wealth from Bolivia by spain.
She also invited the Religions and Denominations University for scientific cooperation with the Catholic University of La Paz.