

The research deputy in the University of Religions and Denominations is far more important than other departments of the university; Therefore, the educational program of this university is based on research topics, and the university students gets to know researches in the educational classes, on the way of research and sometimes translation, which are the primary sources of that educational field. The Research Vice-Chancellor of the University has managed dozens of short-term, medium-term, and long-term research projects in the form of books, articles, and theses since the beginning of the university’s establishment and recognition in academic circles.

This research perspective has been considered in preparing the resources of the central library of the university as one of the important libraries in the field of religions. In this library, the most important and comprehensive resources needed by researchers of religions and denominations have been collected in several languages. The specialized library of the university is a rare collection of resources and study references of religions and denominations in several languages in Iran and the region, which has provided the possibility of free access to the library resources through the open shelf system for the general researchers without any restrictions. Along with the developments of the day, this library has expanded its range of services and connected the library software to Google Book and Nosa Book. Currently, this library has 90,150 volumes of Persian and Arabic books, 19845 volumes of Latin books, 49 titles of Latin publications, 163,000 records of Persian articles, 200 titles of Persian theses, 100 titles of Latin theses, 3,000 audiovisual CDs in Persian language, and 1200 is an audio-visual CD in Latin.

In addition, the Research deputy under two publications named “University of Religions and Denominations Publications” and “Religions Publishing” has so far published more than 350 books in the field of religions and denominations and related topics, and a significant number of book titles have also been published. In the past years, the works of these two publishing centers have been able to win top ranks in various festivals (such as Book of the Year Award, Religion Book of the Year, Hawzah Book of the Year, Chapter Book). The research deputy of the University has prepared a regulation in order to manage research projects and create a platform for fundamental, applied, developmental research and authoring and translating useful books and articles, by which it provides financial support to various researches of university students and professors.

Also, the research vice-chancellor of the university currently has eight scientific publications. Among these, except for “Hafft Asman” publication, which is the oldest publication of the university and is published with specialized scientific rank, other publications are: “Religious Inquiries”, “Religious Studies”, “Research Journal of Islamic Religions”, “Research Journal of Imamiya” and ” Comparative studies of jurisprudence”, “Shia studies” and “legal jurisprudence studies of women and family”, all of which have a scientific research rank. Of course, the “Religious Inquiries” publication has an international grade and is indexed in the Scopus international database with a Q3 grade. Also, nine other publications “Contemporary Theology and Philosophy”, “Mystic Studies”, “Media and Communication Studies”, “Islamic Civilization Lights”, “Comparative Legal Studies”, “Al-Fasih Fi Al-Logha Al-Arabiyya and Adaaboha”, “Islamic Inquiries”, “Ancient Iranian Studies” and “Family, Gender and Society” recently launched. However, Haft Aseman magazine is particularly important in the sense that it was the first Persian language magazine in the field of religions and denominations. This magazine includes the research achievements of university researchers since its inception. In this magazine, which started in 1378, the most important research achievements of religious studies and other researchers around the world are published in the form of articles, interviews and notes. This magazine has a prestigious and professional position among specialized magazines.

Research Vice Chancellor (Dr. Mohammad Moeinifar)

Organizationally, the Research Vice Chancellor has the highest position in the vice president of research, and his superior position is the president of the university. The management of research affairs as well as the management of the central library and the publications unit are under the supervision of the research assistant. Currently, Dr. Mohammad Moeinifar is in charge of this position and his duties and powers are:

Planning, organizing, coordinating and supervising all activities of research management and information management and publications and publications unit.

Preparation and adjustment of annual programs and executive calendar of activities of research assistant

Preparation and compilation of executive principles and programs of research, information, library and publications and scientific publications in the form of short-term and long-term programs and specifying the agenda of the University Research Council meetings.

Submitting progress reports of research programs, central library affairs and publications and scientific publications to the president of the university

Coordinating and supervising the preparation, editing and publishing of scientific publications, printing books and providing information

Coordination and supervision of the affairs of research centers affiliated to the university (institutes, research institutes and scientific-research centers)

Presenting executive research plans for the quantitative and qualitative growth of the relevant vice-chancellor in cooperation with other members in line with the comprehensive strategic plan and vision of the university.

Director General of Research Affairs (Seyed Ali Bathaei)

One of the managements that operates under the Research Vice-Chancellor is the management of research affairs. The higher authority of this management is the research assistant. Currently, Seyyed Ali Bathaei is in charge of the overall management of research affairs in the Research Vice-Chancellor. The duties and powers of this management are:

Planning and coordination for the implementation of all research affairs of the university

Investigations necessary to identify research needs to be presented to the University Research Council;

Implementation of programs for the quantitative and qualitative growth of the research assistant with the cooperation of other members in line with the comprehensive plan of the university;

Creating a database of researches, plans and investigations carried out and in progress, separated by topics and specialized areas, and presenting it to the relevant authorities;

Communicating with the scientific, research and cultural hubs of the country in order to know the research and educational projects and the specialized forces they need;

Arranging contracts with academic staff members, researchers and research students conducting research projects based on university rules and regulations and approving work progress reports to pay the installments of concluded research projects;

Creating a platform for attracting financial and spiritual support to carry out university research activities;

Commenting on the quality of the research activities of the university faculty members, such as publishing articles in domestic and foreign prestigious publications (ISI, ISC, etc. magazines), articles presented in domestic and international seminars and conferences, books (authored, composed and translated) scientific report;

Approval of supervisors of research projects and issuance of relevant certificates in the process of implementing research projects;

Conclusion of a scientific and research agreement between the university and the (scientific and research) bodies outside the university within the framework of the relevant rules and regulations;

Trying to direct and direct student theses and theses in order to meet the research needs of the university;

Examining and commenting on the request of research institutes and centers to create interdisciplinary courses or new research groups and presenting it to the university council;

Carrying out the necessary planning and measures to obtain scholarships and study opportunities from the Ministry of Science, Research and Technology, etc. for university faculty members and researchers;

Reviewing, revising and publishing research and descriptive reports related to scientific visits to universities, centers and different places for the exploitation of other areas;

Planning for the formation of specialized working groups according to the requested needs of the research field;

Identifying and inviting researchers, experts and invitees related to scientific meetings, conferences, seminars and scientific and research meetings to the Research Council;

Introducing talented researchers to the relevant units in order to use their capacities and capabilities in advancing the management and research goals of the university;

Planning and coordination for holding conferences, scientific and research seminars at domestic and international level;

planning and coordination to carry out all matters related to the editorial board of university publications;

Informing and calling for articles and receiving articles from authors inside and outside the university to present in conferences, seminars and scientific publications of the university;

Investigating the ways of exchanging information and scientific documents with other countries in the field of research projects;

The secretary of the university research council and the regulation and compilation of the council’s approvals;

Introducing the top researchers of the university during the research week in two sets of faculty members and students;

Preparing and adjusting the files of research faculty members (including research institutes and research centers affiliated to the university) for issuing employment orders, change of status, promotion, promotion, mission, etc. They are to the vice chancellor of education and graduate studies after obtaining the approval of the vice president of research of the university;

Carrying out preliminary measures regarding the recruitment of research faculty members and changing their status, promotion, promotion, assignment, etc. in accordance with the relevant rules and regulations after the approval of the vice chancellor of research of the university;

Requesting opinions from university research centers in order to apply feedback or corrections needed for research programs.

Manager of Central Library (Mehdi Mohammadi Shojaei)


One of the administrations that works under the research assistant is the management of the central library. The higher authority of this management is the research assistant. Currently, Mehdi Mohammadi Shojaei is in charge of managing the central library in the research department. The duties and powers of this management are:

Development and expansion of the physical and content structure of the central library in order to comply with A



Administrative structure