Unfortunately, sometimes inappropriate proportions of religion are presented by some radical groups
With its long history, the Islamic Republic of Iran has had a continuous relationship with the Christian community and the Holy See in the Vatican.

According to the university’s public relations report, the Vatican ambassador in Iran “Archbishop Andriy Yuzovich” while attending the Religions and Denominations University met and talked with the president of university Hojat-al-Islam-wal-Muslim Seyed Abul Hassan Nawab and emphasized in the field of establishing deep fraternal relations based on convergence and efforts to strengthen religions relations.
He also referred to the coexistence between humans in his speech in the Sadr hall of university under the title “Holy See and the World Today” and said that the 70-year relationship between the Islamic Republic of Iran and the Vatican and the extensive interactions that have been carried out under the title of dialogue between Islam and Christianity. It will lead to a safe and secure future for these interactions. In this meeting, Hojjat-al-Islam-wal-Muslimin Dr. Mohammad Mehdi Tsakhiri, Dr. Mohammad Masjid Jameei, Dr. Vahid Sohrabi some of professors and intellectuals accompanied “Archbishop Andes Andjy Yuzovich “.
Archbishop Andjy Yuzovich added: The meeting between Pope Francis and Ayatollah Sistani will never be erased from our memory and the Holy See. Also, one of the very important points that Andjy Yuzovich mentioned at the beginning of his speech was the historic meeting between Pope Francis and Ayatollah Sistani in Iraq without any Ceremonies and formality. Very good and productive conversation in this trip was memorable and amazing in all way. So that last year, the commemoration of the anniversary of the historic conversation brought the reaction of Pope Francis to send a letter to keep alive the memory of the conversation between the Islamic world and Christianity.
He also mentioned: The meeting of Iranian presidents with the Pope and former leaders of the Catholic Church is a matter of pride. Referring to the history of relations between Iran and the Vatican, the Vatican ambassador in Iran said that the Islamic Republic of Iran has had a continuous relationship with the Christian community and the Holy See in the Vatican with its long history. The communication and interaction that has always been pursued and achieved by different presidents of the Iranian government, and these meetings are examples of the Islamic Republic’s constant desire to maintain interaction and solidarity between the Islamic world and Christianity. But the important thing that exists is the 70-year relationship between Iran and the Vatican, which has always had ups and downs, and we still hope that these interactions will progress.
Archbishop Andjy Yuzovich pointed to the Abu Dhabi conference and said: This conference created a multicultural event between Islam and Christianity. Another important point in this meeting was the Vatican ambassador’s reference to the “World Conference on Fraternity and Humanity” and the historic meeting of Pope Francis with Sheikh Al-Azhar in Abu Dhabi. The precious meeting of Pope Francis in this multicultural event, which resulted in the conclusion of human mission and more harmony of the Islam and Christian worlds in order to strengthen the values of peace and promote the culture of conversation, tolerance, coexistence between different nations, protecting people from violence, extremism, poverty and disease.
Vatican ambassador at the end of his speech said: There is no connection between terrorists and religion. Referring to famous quotes from the past leaders of the Catholic Church, he noted: All former popes and leaders of the Catholic Church are unanimous in these statements that religion should serve brotherhood, equality and humanity, and there is no connection between terrorism and religion. But unfortunately, sometimes, some radical and extremist groups present inappropriate things and ratios of religion that have nothing to do with religion.