Scientific communications of the University of Religions and denominations with Pakistan universities are increasing
At the Pakistan Embassy, we will try to pave the way for the University of Religions and denominations with Pakistan universities.

According to the University Public Relations Department, Anbar Gul Shahed the “Cultural Press, Educational and Tourism of the Pakistani Embassy in Tehran” attending the University of Religions and denominations, visiting various departments of the university with Hojjatoleslam and Muslim Dr. Mohammad Mehdi Taskhiri.
During the meeting, Hojatoleslam and Muslim Dr. Mohammad Mehdi Taskhiri, Vice President of Communications and International Affairs of the University of Religions and denominations, welcomed the Pakistan Embassy and said: “The two countries of Iran and Pakistan have many religious and cultural commonality besides being neighboring.” These commonalities should make their scientific and cultural cooperation be achieved at a high level that unfortunately we could not achieve for a variety of reasons. We must bring our academic and academy communications to a good level.
He continued: The University of Religions and denominations has always looking for communication with Muslim countries, especially neighboring countries because of its international and approximate approach. We believe that the scientific communication of Muslim countries will enhance their quality and scientific level.
Dr. Mohammad Mehdi Taskhiri said: The University of Religions and denominations is an international university that has many students from the region. More than 80 % of students are non -Iranian. We are also ready to accommodate Pakistan students. Some of our non -Iranian students are from Pakistan.
He continued: The University of Religions and denominations is ready to start working with Pakistan universities. We can work in different sectors. Holding joint workshops, exchange of professors and students and holding joint courses are some things that we can do with Pakistan universities.
Anbar Gul Shahed, while expressing his pleasure to attend the University of Religions and denominations, said: “Before I came to this university, I studied a little about the activities of the University of Religions and denominations. I am very happy to attend a university that has very good academic communication with the world. The international level of the University of Religions and denominations is very good and acceptable.
“Yes, as you said, there are many commonalities between the two countries, both geographically and religiously and culturally,” he continued. These commonalities can be the source of strong and firm communication. Unfortunately, we did not do well in this regard and we could not use this capacity well. There are a variety of reasons that we need to achieve a good place in terms of scientific and cultural exchanges by removing these barriers at least at the scientific level.
“We will try to pave the way for the university of religions and denominations for communicate with Pakistan universities at the Pakistan Embassy,” said Anbarin Gul Shahed, a Pakistan Embassy in Tehran. We will introduce the University of Religions and denominations to some Pakistan universities and support them for continuous and scientific communication. We will strive to increase the scientific communication of the University of Religions and denominations with Pakistan universities.