Political science department
The Department of Political Science is the newest department of the Faculty of Religions and denominations. This group currently has a field that accepts students at the master of science level. Students can study in “Political Science” at the master of science level. The political science department is managed by Dr. Hadi Beigi.
The content’s and lessons presented in the different majors of this group are oriented towards political and legal studies. This group mostly deals with discussion and investigation about of governance systems, analysis of political activities, political thoughts, constitution related to political act.
From a methodological point of view, political science is a branch of social research methods. The presence of political science as an academic discipline by the University of Religions and Religions in its educational system defines the approach of this group towards the teaching of this newly established discipline in the university.
Most political science thinkers and scientists are working and studying in one or more of these five branches of comparative politics (including regional studies), international relations, philosophy and political thought, public administration and public law.