The first meeting was held to review the areas of cooperation between the Vice-President of Planning and Technology and the Vice-President of Research

The first meeting to review the fields of cooperation between the vice president of planning and technology and the managers of the vice president of research was held in the office of the vice president of research. In this meeting, Dr. Moinifar, after explaining the mission of the Research Vice-Chancellor, explained the structural challenges, the headquarters position and the heavy mission of this Vice-Chancellor in improving the ranking and the international position of the university, and introduced the common areas of cooperation to organize them. In the following, the managers of the Research Vice-Chancellor gave a report of their activities, perspectives and expectations from the Technology Vice-Chancellor. In the end, Mr. Dr. Shrahi, the Honorable Vice President of Planning, while referring to the heavy mission of the Vice-Chancellor for Research in the University, informed about the readiness of this Vice-Chancellor in correcting structural problems, presenting a comprehensive research plan, the position of scientific poles, and the future study of research works and university publications.