A scholarly-promoting chair of Teleological Ijtihad was held in the university
The meeting of the scholarly-promoting chair of Teleological Ijtihad, and the unveiling of the book “The approach of teleological reasoning in jurisprudence” was held with the presence of seminary and university thinkers.

The approach of teleological reasoning in jurisprudence Today, attention to the purposes and objectives in laws has become one of the fundamental principles of legislation. The existence of such provisions and laws in Islamic jurisprudence, which in fact is a kind of divine legislation for the management of human life, is predictable. We believe that if we look more closely at the Imamate tradition, we will find roots and evidence for this type of jurisprudence, which, if concerns such as falling into the trap of analogy and Ijtihad by Ra’y (personal judgment in juridical judgment) are addressed, can strengthen this method of inference and push Imamate jurisprudence in this direction. This research has been organized with the aim of carefully examining the history of Imamate jurisprudence and, to the best of its ability, paying attention to all the roots that are in line with this type of jurisprudence, which we define as “teleological-centered jurisprudence,” and supporting the initial support of Imamite scholars, from the time of the text to the present day.