European people don’t have a correct understanding of Islam and Shia religion
Continuous communication between Religions and Denominations University and European universities can play a significant role in introducing real Islam.

According to the university’s public relations report; Dr. Mohammad Mahdi Taskhiri, Vice President of Communications and International Affairs of the Religions and Denominations University, met and talked with the Vatican ambassador in purpose of development and strengthening of scientific and cultural cooperation between the Religions and Denominations University, in Tehran.
The vice president of communications and international affairs of Religions and Denominations University presented a report in this meeting which was held at the Vatican Embassy in Tehran about Hojjat-al-Islam-wal-Muslims Seyyed Abul Hassan Nawab, the president of the Religions and Denominations University travel’s to the Vatican and referring to the meetings that took place and the upcoming cooperation between the Religions and Denominations University and the papal institutes and universities. He said, the warm welcome of His Holiness the Pope from the university’s president and the constructive discussions that took place between the officials of the Holy See and the delegation from the Religions and Denominations University will be the beginning of a new period of bilateral cooperation.
Dr. Taskhiri, expressing the capacities of Religions and Denominations University and the role that this university can play in the mutual understanding of Islam and Christianity, emphasized; The Religions and Denominations University considers its mission to be global and will not hesitate to make any effort in the field of reducing human suffering and promoting peace and spirituality in the world.
In continuation of this meeting, Andjy Yuzovich, the ambassador of Vatican in Tehran, while expressing his happiness about the visit of the president of the Religions and Denominations University to the Vatican and also his constructive meeting with Pope Francis, the leader of the world Catholics, said: “Unfortunately, the people of the world, especially the people of Europe, do not have correct information about Islam and Shia religion, and continuous communication between religions and Denominations University and European universities can play a significant role in introducing real Islam.
The Vatican ambassador in Tehran added: We welcome any development of communication between the Vatican and the Religions and Denominations University, as a university specialized in the field of religions and theology.
It can be mentioned that in this meeting, Hojjat-ul-Islam-wal-Muslimin Hamed Shah Rafati, General Director of International Affairs of the Religions and Denominations University, while making suggestions in the field of developing scientific cooperation, explained their implementation mechanism.