A series of meetings of new religious movements (spiritual and new theosophy) are holding

According to the University Public Relations Report; The School of Theosophy of Religions and Denominations University is held in a series of new religious movements (spiritual and new theosophy).
The first session will be holding on the subject of “Typology of New Religious Movements” at the Martyr Beheshti Hall at 12:30 am on December 5 2022. Dr. Sadra Hafez will speak at this meeting.
The following meetings will be held as follows:
ـ “Derivation of subcontinent’s Religions in the Akenkar Movement” on January 2, 2008 at 9:50 pm in the Shahid Beheshti Hall (RAH) with Dr. Seyyed Mohammad Rouhani.
ـ “Criticism of Western scholars on the spirituality of the new age (with emphasis on the main sources) on February 4, 2008 at 9:50 am in the Shahid Beheshti Hall (RAH) with presence of Dr. Shaker Nejad.
ـ “Review and criticism of the New age Religion” on March 6, 2008 at 9:50 pm in the Paradise Hall (RAH) with presence of Dr. Vahid Sohrabi Far.
It is noticeable that attending the meeting is allowed for all student.