The University of Religions and Denominations has taken effective measures to promote Imam Khomeini’s ideas
The head of Compilation and publication for compilation and Publication of Imam Khomeini's works met and discussed with scientific and executive members of the Conference on "Investigating the Foundations and Philosophical Approaches of Imam Khomeini" by presence In Religions and Denominations University.

According to the university’s public relations, Hojat-ul-islam-wal-muslimin Ali Komsari “Head of Imam Khomeini Compilation and Publication Compilation and publication in meeting with the “scientific and executive members of the Conference on “Investigating the Foundations and Philosophical Approaches of Imam Khomeini” with appreciation of the Religions and Denominations university to hold this conference and point out the importance of addressing the ideas of Imam Khomeini in the present age stated: Imam Khomeini’s thought is a central idea in the hawza and revolution, and cannot analyzing and editing the revolution and the Islamic Republic without paying attention to his thought. These pure ideas should be addressed in the hawza and university because these ideas are the foundation of the ruling system.
He added; The University has done some work to get acquainted with departed Imam ideas, but not opened this way in hawza as it should be, while it is necessary that a revolutionary hawza should be familiar with Imam Khomeini’s ideas, and especially with the divine and political testament.
The head of Imam Khomeini’s Compilation and publication institute as said that one of our most important activities and duties is to develop and promote these ideas; continued we have done a lot of work to achieve this goal that one of them is the holding these conferences. The institute has held various conferences so far in various hwza and dimensions. Many of them have been held in collaboration with various institutions, organizations and universities, that some of them are in the University of Religions and Denominations. But it seems that this dimension of Imam Khomeini’s thought has not yet been examined in philosophical discussions. So this is a strange thing because it has not been done admirable work for that.
He said: Given that there have been no or at least not paying much attention to these philosophical ideas and foundations, and the “Investigating the Foundations and Philosophical Approaches of Imam Khomeini” conference can have good feedback and send many articles for it. But this will happen if we can give good and targeted information. He added: Imam Khomeini’s Compilation and publication institute is ready for any cooperation wherever a banner in the name of Imam and the Revolution is in the sky that thanks God the University of Religions and Denominations has taken effective measures to promote Imam Khomeini’s ideas.
Hojat-islam-wal-Muslimin Dr. Hamid Reza Shariatmadari “Head of the Philosophy faculty” of University of Religions and Denominations presented a brief report on the process of holding the conference said: The President of Hojat-ul-islam-wal-Muslimin Nawab paying special attention to the conferences with Imam Khomeini’s name and He has ordered special instructions for the more magnificent conference. Given his guidelines and the support of the University of Religions and Denominations from this conference, we have had two important meetings on the conference so far. At a meeting of the Supreme Reference Service of Ayatollah Javadi Amoli, we reached out that he welcomed the conference and gave some good advice. The second session was also held with the memrial of Imam Hojat-ul-islam-wal-Muslim Sayyid Hassan Khomeini that with the control that he has on Imam Khomeini’s works said some good points.
He continued: The purpose of the meeting is to be able to reach the common views of Imam Khomeini with the Compilations and Publication of Imam Khomeini’s Works on Holding this conference as much as possible. However, the Compilation and publication has wide activity in Imam Khomeini’s ideas for many years, and these activities have been edited and published by various books, articles and theses. The Compilation and publication is also familiar with researchers working in the field, and has provided a large database of people who have published research in this field. All of this can play a very important role in promoting this conference and making it better. It is noteworthy that the conference “Investigating the Foundations and Philosophical Approaches of Imam Khomeini” will be held by the Philosophy faculty of Religions and Denominations with the participation of scholars and academic scholars at the University of Religions and Denominations.