The comprehensive research plan to make target for research of university is necessary and necessity
President of university Hojat-ul-Islam Wal-Muslemin, Seyyed Abul Hassan Nawab, explained the comprehensive research plan in the research week commemoration ceremony and stated that this plan is necessary and necessity for the university.

Comprehensive plan of research, video report of the research week commemoration ceremony at the University of Religions and denominations
According to the public relations report of the university, the research week commemoration ceremony was held in the presence of the President of university Hojat-ul-Islam Wal-Muslemin Seyyed Abul Hassan Nawab, assistants, professors and faculty members of the University of Religions and denominations.
According to this report, Hojat-ul-Islam Wal-Muslemin Seyyed Abul Hasan Nawab expressed gratitude to all the researchers of the University of Religions and denominations and said: The comprehensive research plan is one of the most important plans that I have been looking to it for many years and I emphasized to all the research assistants of the university that make their effort to make it comes true.
He continued: The University of Religions and denominations is a postgraduate university, which means that everyone who enters this university must graduate from the university by writing a thesis. Considering that we have about 15,000 students, 15,000 theses should be written in the university in the coming years. If these theses are not to be managed, anyone can write a thesis from anywhere they like. This is despite the fact that if we have a comprehensive research plan, we can consider lofty goals with the help of professors and students and cover the research gaps in liberal art.
The head of the university stated: “Certainly, every professor in any field of science who works knows the research gaps in that field and identifies what topics need to be addressed or what topics are less addressed and need to be addressed.” Those topics and issues should be defined and formulated in the field of science. If these individual concerns come in the form of comprehensive and targeted plans, then all the research work that is done can be directed and guided. It is possible that most of this research will be among the major researches of the country, and with this comprehensive research plan, we will be able to solve the challenges and important issues of the country by conducting and guiding these student theses at the master’s and doctoral level.
He continued: In any case, it seems that developing a road map for research is necessary and necessity and we should reach it as soon as possible. Unfortunately, the lack of such plans even in large research institutes has caused a lot of parallel work to be done, while with the realization of the comprehensive research plan, parallel works can be avoided. Our main concern at the University of Religions and denominations is the real organization of the research content and benefiting from the research content.
Hojjat-ul-Islam wa al-Muslimeen Seyyed Abul Hassan Nawab said: Unfortunately, we did not do well in liberal art research. According to the statistics presented in the world, one article out of every 16 articles is in the field of liberal art, but in our country, one article for every 190 articles is dedicated to the fields of liberal art. This is despite the fact that in the words of Imam Khomeini (may God bless him and grant him peace), we have a style and basis in the field of liberal art. We have our own words in this field.
He continued: Although we are capable in the field of human sciences and have various and numerous resources that we must activate, but we could not do well in this matter. Unfortunately, all our good works in most fields of humanities are translation works. While Western universities give importance to the field of liberal art and are constantly producing research in this field, we have not yet been able to expand the liberal art in the country as much as we should, as well as carry out fundamental and important researches.