Environmental issues should be included in interfaith dialogues

Our Sonah and religious teaching are rich in environment related issues can lead to appropriately solving the environment problems.
“Presenting his article titled “Inter-faiths` dialogue and the way ahead: Returning to the earth itself”, Hojat-u-Islam Walmuslemin Dr. Seyyed Hassan Islami Ardakani, professor of religions` research group in the University of Religions and Denomination said we are deeply dependent on our surrounding environment but the way we behave it is surprising, as if we can survive without the earth. Our instrumental perspectives have caused the current environmental crisis. Some faiths in the world including Christianity, as some scientific circles have announced, are also blamed on environmental crisis.
“Environmental crisis should be included in agendas of inter-faiths dialogue round tables by religious leaders and scholars” said Dr. Islami.
He emphasized “Our Sonah and religious teaching are rich in environment-related issues can lead to appropriately solving the environment problems.”
Explaining the Islamic environmental ethic, this researcher said in real inter-faith dialogues no side should impose his/her ideas on the other sides.
“While affected by crisis of all kinds, I strongly believe we can help each other to find new ways for inter-faith dialogues.” Dr. Islami said
He explained the lost, forgotten or marginalized circle in inter-faith dialogues is the environmental issues intensifying day by day.
Despite some measures taken how important the environment is in a good and spiritual life, not enough-comprehensive works have been done to religiously pay attention to natural creatures including the earth.
“To have environmental issues included in inter-faith dialogues we have a big responsibility; we are obliged by religious teaching to deal seriously with the environmental issues.” Dr. Islami said as a researcher
This is to say the 10th round of dialogue of the center for religions, cultures and churches international council was held this Monday in Switzerland.
The dialogue titled “Evaluating 25-years`dialogue; A look at the past, present and Future perspectives” was attended by a senior delegation from Iran.
The Iranian delegation led by Hojatul Islam-wal-moslemin Imanpoor Mohammad Mehdi, head of the office of Islamic culture and relations and head of faiths` dialogue coordination and policy-making council.
Christian representatives from Romania, Indonesia, the US, Norway, Switzerland and South Africa have also attended the dialogue.