The fifth international course on Shi’ism is held, hosting researchers from 13 countries


Hosting researchers from various countries, the University of Religions and Denominations holds the fifth international intensive course on Shi’ism from 21st to 27th of August.

Hosting researchers from various countries, the University of Religions and Denominations holds the fifth international intensive course on Shi’ism from 21st to 27th of August.

During this technical course, the major historical and theological topics on Shi’ism including the history of emergence, population geography, theological principles as well as political and eschatological doctrines will be discussed.

The following professors will be participating in this course:

Dr. Kurt Richardson, University of Toronto, Canada, Dr. Vera Mironova, Harvard University, USA, Dr. Alena Kulinich, London University, Britain, Dr. Franz Winter, University of Graz, Austria, Dr. Filiz Kartal, Institute for Turkey and the Middle East, Turkey, Dr. Charles Ramsey, Forman Christian College, Pakistan, Dr. Edith Szanto, The American University, Iraq, Dr. Javier Guerrero, Francisco de Vitoria University, Spain, Dr. Kamran Ahmed, Western University, Canada.

For more informations click here to visit the website of the course.


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