Department of Islamic Philosophy and Kalām
The Department of Islamic Philosophy and Theology is one of the Departments of the Faculty of Philosophy. This group focuses on Islamic philosophy and theology. The Department of Islamic Philosophy and Theology currently has a course that is offered at the master’s and doctoral level. Students can study in the field of “Islamic Philosophy and Theology” at the master’s and doctoral level. The Department of Islamic Philosophy and Theology is managed by Dr. Mohammad Kiwanfar
The materials and lessons presented in the various disciplines of this group are oriented towards the theoretical studies of Islamic philosophy and theology. The views and opinions of prominent Islamic philosophers such as Ibn Sina, Sheikh Ashraq, and Mulla Sadra are analyzed and investigated in the three philosophical schools of Masha, ishraq, and Hekmat mo-Taaliyeh, and an attempt is made to give scholars a relative knowledge and mastery of the philosophical and theological topics discussed in the world. get Islam Among the topics taught in this group are Sinavy philosophy, Ishraq philosophy, Mulla Sadra philosophy, new logic, new theological issues, and comparative philosophy.