Islamic studies
Master’s degree in Islamic Studies is designed for students with appropriate English language proficiency who need to study for the specific requirements of a researcher or an educator in the field of Islam or more specifically Shi’ite Islam, as well as those who welcome the opportunity to create an individualized study pathway. By reviewing the relevant literature critically and studying related texts and learning the specialized language of Islamic sciences, the students are expected to acquire the necessary knowledge for managing international interactions in various areas of research and education in Islam.
Another goal of the establishment of this field is to prepare graduates with a deep understanding of Islam in English so that they can introduce the specific goals of Islam to the world. Graduates of this field can work as effective experts in various educational, research and cultural fields and play prominent international roles such as Islamic educators and researchers.
The length of the master’s course “Islamic studies in a foreign language” is 2 and a half years and equal to 5 and a half academic years. The length of each semester is equal to 16 weeks and the hours of lessons based on each unit are one hour per week. If, according to the educational group, the period of 2 and a half years is not enough to pass the main and compensatory courses or finish the thesis, a maximum of one and a half years will be added to the two-year educational period. The master’s program of “Shia Studies” includes 42 units of courses, which are 28 units of main courses, 10 units of compensatory courses and 4 units of thesis. The student is required to pass all the main units and the thesis, as well as according to the bachelor’s field in which he graduated, however many units of compensatory courses as determined by the educational department.
Courses such as “Islamic Studies in the West”, “Quran and Hadith Sciences”, “Comparative Theology”, “Methodology of Islamic Education”, “Islamic Legal System”, “Philosophy” and… It is taught in a foreign language