Dr. Hamid Parsania

Authored Books
- Hamid Parsania. “existence and the fall.” London: Icas press, 2006.
- Hamid Parsania, , , , , and . “sociology 2.” : textbook publishing company, 2011.
- Hamid Parsania, , , , and . “social scince.” : textbook publishing company, 2012.
- Hamid Parsania. “social worlds.” Qom: ketab-e Farda publisher, 2012.
- Hamid Parsania. “Religious knowldge.” Tehran: center of publication of allame tabatabaei university, 2014.
- Hamid Parsania. “Symbol and myth.” : Keteb-e Farda, 2017.
Translated Books
A Chapter of a Book
- Hamid Parsania, Hosein Kochoueian, and Saeid Ziba Kalam Mofrad. “Knowledge and society.” : Howzeh And University Research Center, 2005.
- Hamid Parsania, Hosein Kochoueian, and Mousa Najafi. “Congress of Transformation in Human Sciences.” : Keteb-e Farda, 2012.
- Hamid Parsania, Ebrahim Fayaz, and Adel Peygami. “DISCOURSES ON RELIGIOUS KNOWLEDGE.” : Imam Sadiq(pbuh) University, 2012.
- Hamid Parsania. “biography and Academic Life of Ayatollah Javadi Amoli.” : society for the Appreciation of cultural works and dignitaries, 2018.
- Hamid Parsania, Seyed Hamid Talebzadeh, , Saeid Ziba Kalam Mofrad, and Gholamali Hadad Adel. “We and the Human scince.” : Bagher-al Olum university, 2018.
- Hamid Parsania. “We and the Human scince (4).” : Bagher-al Olum university, 2019.
- Hamid Parsania. “We and the Human scince (3).” : Bagher-al Olum university, 2019.
- Hamid Parsania. “We and the Human scince (2).” : Bagher-al Olum university, 2019.
- Hamid Parsania. “We and the Human scince (1).” : Bagher-al Olum university, 2019.
کتاب های غیر از تالیف و ترجمه
- Hamid Parsania. “Existence and the Fall.” : Maaref, 2006.
- Hamid Parsania. “secularism.” : Islamic Development organization, 2006.
- , and Hamid Parsania. “Sharia in the Light of Cognition.” : Esraa, 2007.
- , and Hamid Parsania. “proofs of Divine Existence.” : Esraa, 2007.
- , and Hamid Parsania. “THE SUBJECT COMMENTARY ON THE HOLY QURAN.” : Esraa, 2007.
- Hamid Parsania. “Mysticism and politics.” : boostan ketab, 2008.
- Hamid Parsania. “The Seven Waves of Reform Theory vis-a-vis Practice.” : boostan ketab, 2009.
- Hamid Parsania. “Tradition, ideology, Knowledge A Collection of Articles.” : boostan ketab, 2011.
- Hamid Parsania. “anthropology for muslim students.” Kuala Lumpur: amin research and cultural center, 2012.
- Hamid Parsania. “Science and Philosophy.” : Islamic Culture and Thought Research Center, 2013.
- Hamid Parsania. “rahiq makhtoom.” Qom: esra publication, 2014.
- Hamid Parsania. “rahiq makhtoom.” Qom: esra publication, 2014.
- Hamid Parsania. “national plan of Elites of human sciences.” : boostan ketab, 2017.
- Hamid Parsania. “A Look at the Foundations of new Islamic Civilization.” : AnahadIran, 2019.
- Mohsen Sabouriyan, and Hamid Parsania. “The establishment of the institution of the Shiite Marja i Taqlid.” : Culture, Art and Communication Research Center, 2019.
- Hamid Parsania, Mohammad Reza Ghaemi, and . “Islamization for knowledge.” : Baqer-Al oloum University, 2019.
Papers in International Journals
- Hamid Parsania, and . “orientalism in the post modern age, its foundation and its results.” the studies of orientalists 4, no. 10 (2017): .
- Hamid Parsania. “The reason and the ideology.” AL-Isteghrab 2, no. 6 (2017): .
- Hamid Parsania. “The Relation between the Concept of Intellect in the Qurʾān and Traditions and the Concept of Intellect in Islamic Culture and History..” JOURNAL OF SHIA ISLAMIC STUDIES IX, no. 4 (2018): 11-25.
Papers in National Journals
- Hamid Parsania. “Cosmological Argument (Demonstration of Necessity and Contingency) and Criticisms of Hume and Kant.” Contemporary Wisdom 1, no. 1 (2010): -.
- Hamid Parsania. “The Proof of the Truthful in Transcendental Philosophy.” Esra 2, no. 4 (2010): .
- Hamid Parsania. “The Philosophy of Human Rights Based on the Views of Ayatullah Jawadi Àmuli.” Esra 3, no. 7 (2011): .
- Hamid Parsania. “Chapter of Wisdom of Malikiyyah about the Concept of Loatiyyah.” Esra 3, no. 8 (2011): .
- Hamid Parsania, and . “social determination of knowledge in Nahjul Balagha.” Islam & Social Sciences 3, no. 5 (2011): 7-47.
- Hamid Parsania, and Mohammad Reza Ghaemi. “criticizing greek nterpretation from ibn khaldun.” Journal of Social Theory Muslim scholars 1, no. 1 (2012): 47-71.
- Hamid Parsania, and Rohallah Rezvani. “Farabi’s Sociology of Knowledge.” Islam & Social Sciences 5, no. 10 (2014): .
- Ali Latifi, Hamid Parsania, and Mohammad Davoudi. “Methodology of the Science of Islamic Education According to the twofold approach of Dr. Khosrow Bagheri.” Journal of Methodology of Social Sciences and Humanities 19, no. 77 (2014): 7-38.
- Ali Latifi, Hamid Parsania, and Mohammad Davoudi. “Investigation of the methodology of Islamic training knowledge: islamization approach.” Islamic education 9, no. 18 (2014): 153-175.
- Hamid Parsania, , and . “Implications of the Theory of Conventions (i’tibariat) in order to transform the Humanities.” Islam and Social Stidies 2, no. 5 (2014): .
- Hamid Parsania, and Iman Erfan Manesh. “fundamental methodology of social knowledge of seyyed Qotb.” Journal of Social Theory Muslim scholars 2, no. 2 (2015): 75-109.
- Hamid Parsania, and Ghasem Ebrahimipour. “Mysticism and development: Review of the theory of Mohammad Abed al-Jaberi.” Islamic Humanities Research bulletin 2, no. 4 (2016): .
- Moslem Taheri Kokeshvandi, and Hamid Parsania. “the role of human’s Perceptions in evolution of the human’s societies in Farabi’s Civil Science.” Journal of Social Theory Muslim scholars 6, no. 10 (2016): .
- Hamid Parsania, and Mahdi Soltani. “A Critical Review of George Herbert Mead’s Social Activism Based on Transcendental Philosophy.” Religion and Cultural Policy 3, no. 6 (2016): .
- Hamid Parsania, and Gholam Reza Parhizgar. “Culture and Spirituality in the Contemporary World (Reviewing the Patchwork Identity and the New Enchantment).” Religion and Cultural Policy 4, no. 8 (2017): .
- Mahdi Soltani, and Hamid Parsania. “The modern concept of time.” Journal of Socio-Cultural Knowledge 9, no. 33 (2018): .
- Mohsen Sabouriyan, and Hamid Parsania. “The Conditions for Establishment of Shiite’s Marja’iyat Taqlid Institution.” Islam and Social Stidies 5, no. 19 (2018): .
- , and Hamid Parsania. “Analysis and Comparison of the Reason and Quotes from the Viewpoint of Ibn Taymiyyah and Ayatullah Javadi.” Esra -9, no. -30 (2018): .
- Hamid Parsania, Fateme Helali, and . “Joseph Schacht ‘s View of Islamic Jurisprudence as Social Knowledge.” Islam and Social Stidies 5, no. 20 (2018): .
- , and Hamid Parsania. “Using fundamental methodology to explore the formation of Farabi’s civil science.” Journal of Social Theory Muslim scholars 8, no. 14 (2018): .
- Hamid Parsania, , and . “Formation of human communication in a transnational field.” Religion and Cultural Policy 5, no. 11 (2018): .
- Hamid Parsania, Ghasem Ebrahimipour, , and . “Application of “Conceptual Interpretation Method” in the Analysis of “Social Man in Islam”.” Journal of Socio-Cultural Knowledge 11, no. 44 (2020): .
- Abolfazl Eghbali, and Hamid Parsania. “Fundamental Methodology of Feminist Thought In Iran.” Journal of Methodology of Social Sciences and Humanities 26, no. 104 (2020): .
- , and Hamid Parsania. “A critical study of Taha Hussein’s reading on Ibn Khaldun’s thoughts (Ibn Khaldun, A Modern Sociologist or an Ashari thinker?).” Journal of Methodology of Social Sciences and Humanities 26, no. 105 (2020): .
- , Hamid Parsania, and . “A Study of the School of Transmission and the School of Production and Exchange of Meaning with the Qur’anic Approach.” Islam and Social Stidies 8, no. 31 (2021): .
- Hamid Parsania, and . “Sociology in Iran from the perspective of Iranian sociologists.” The Journal of Islamic Model of Islamic Progress 9, no. 18 (2021): .
Presented Papers in International Conferences
- Hamid Parsania. “The metaphysics of culture & Transcendental Wisdom.” Religion cultural Theory, Qom.
- Hamid Parsania. “sacred being in islamic philoophy.” inter-religion dialogue on sprituality in hinduism & islam, New Delhi.
- Hamid Parsania. “Development and excellence of science based on revelation rationality.” Development and excellence of science based on revelation rationality,.
- Hamid Parsania. “Democracy and Truth.” The Second Round of Religious Dialogue between Islam and Hinduism,.
- Hamid Parsania. “An introduction to Islamic Philosophy and Mysticism.” Education Culture Society 2019,.
Presented Papers in National Conferences
- Hamid Parsania. “Cultural & Technology.” Cultural & Technology,.
- Hamid Parsania. “subject, object, meaning and Iranian sociologists.” Eight decades of social sciences at Tehran University,.
- Hamid Parsania. “pure hikmah.” pure hikmah,.
- Hamid Parsania. “Motahari, National identity and nationalism.” Mutual Services of Islam and Iran+,.
- Hamid Parsania. “Technology, Logic of comment and action logic.” Religion culture & Technology, Qom.
- Hamid Parsania. “Intercultural communication and Allameh Tabatabais Sedighin proof.” Anniversary of Allame Tabatabai,.
- Hamid Parsania. “Meaning and intercultural communication.” Convergence and divergence, Tehran.
- Hamid Parsania. “religious science.” Islamic science theory and its application in the education system, Qom.
- Hamid Parsania. “New Islamic Civilization.” New Islamic Civilization, Tehran.
- Hamid Parsania. “A study of the philosophy of Islamic and modern sociology in contrast.” Humanities and Islamic Wisdom,.
- political scince, scientific and research-based, 2002/09/23, 2007/02/20, 343
- Islam history, scientific and research-based, 2004/03/20, 2007/02/20, 342
- Religious exploration, scientific and research-based, 2009/05/20, 2011/05/20, 14/552
- Hozeh Cultural and social studies, scientific and research-based, 2018/06/22, 2019/07/03, 10977