The Role and Function of the Shiite Marjaeyya in Baghdad era

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This essay seeks answering this question that upon which characteristics of the structure and function of  the  Shiite  Marjaeyya  institution  in Baghdad  era  becomes distinguishable and distinctive?


This essay seeks answering this question that upon which characteristics the structure and function of  the  Shiite  Marjaeyya  institution  in Baghdad  era  becomes distinguishable and distinctive. In order to do so we organized four sections: In the first section the geographical, cultural, social and political backgrounds  dominating   Baghdad  during 4th Hijri  century were surveyed.

The results of studies in this section shows  that  Baghdad amongst  the Muslim world cities in which Shiism had a stronger presence, enjoyed some  characteristics making it distinctive from the others. Being  geographically a resorting place for various Ulama  and  thinkers, politically as well as socially a  constant target for conspiracies and turbulences and culturally an arena for cultural exchange of diverse denominations’ followers, its inhabitants were different from those of Ghom.

The second section of this research shows that Baghdadi Alims recognition sources and study methods were more extensive and comprehensive than those of  Ghom  making them more able to response people’s needs and having less

Theoretical  limitations .

The  third  section of  the research  surveys the structure of  Shiite  Marjaeyya  in Baghdad  era. In this section it is shown that how Shiite  Marjaeyya  has evolved through the era of  Masoom’s presence to that of  Ghaibah .  Shiite Ulama in the beginning of Ghaibah era have decided to give an identity  to Shiism and started to defend it as a comprehensive identity.

Hence  the Shiite society required to demonstrate its identity different from the common muslims. Pursuing this goal, the  Shiite Ulama of  Baghdad, being more exposed to cultural exchange than the other Bilad’s(cities)  Shiite Ulama

and taking a new approach in recognition sources and study methods had started to stabilize their conductive status in the society.

They employed two procedures to stabilize their  status: To obtain identity to confronting  the opponents and  to obtain identity to confronting  the proponents.

The fourth section shows  juridical,  legal, social  and  political functions of

Marjaeyya  in Baghdad  era surveying their thoughts and works.

Key words:Role, Marjaeyya  status, function, Baghdad era,  Ghom  era