Protestant Theology Workshop by Prof. Reinhold Bernhardt

Prof. Reinhold Bernhardt is a professor of systematic theology at the University of Basel in Switzerland, where he previously served as dean of the Faculty of Theology. He is co-editor of the quarterly journal Theologische Zeitschrift hold Protestant Theology Workshop at URD
Protestant Theology Workshop
Lecturer: Reinhold Bernhardt, from the University of Basel, Switzerland
Time: Feb, 22-27, 2015
Place: The University of Religions and Denominations
Sunday: The recent debate on “Open theism”.
Monday: The recent debate on “Divine action”.
Tuesday: Interfaith theology: The recent debate on “religious pluralism”
Wednesday: New developments in “ecumenical theology” (intercultural theology, post colonialism, contextual theology).
Thursday: Mainline Protestantism – Evangelicalism – Charismatic Movement
For registration and more information please contact:
Who is the lecturer?
Reinhold Bernhardt is a professor of systematic theology at the University of Basel in Swizterland, where he previously served as dean of the Faculty of Theology. He is co-editor of the quarterly journal Theologische Zeitschrift, an interdisciplinary and multi-lingual publication promoting cross-disciplinary theological dialogue. Bernhardt earned his Ph.D. from the University of Heidelberg in 1990 with a dissertation titled “Der Absolutheitsanspruch Des Christentums: Von Der Aufklarung Bis Zur Pluralistischen Religionstheologie” (“The Absoluteness of Christianity: From the Enlightenment to the pluralistic theology of religions”).
In addition, Bernhardt has written four books: Was heißt “Handeln Gottes”? Eine Rekonstruktion der Lehre von der Vorsehung Gottes (“What are “Acts of God”? A reconstruction of the doctrine of God’s Providence”); Wahrheit in Offenheit. Der christliche Glaube und die Religionen (“Truth in Openness: The Christion Faith and Religions”); “Ende des Dialogs?
Die Begegnung der Religionen und ihre theologische Reflexion” (“End of Dialogue? The encounter of religions and their theological reflections”), and Zwischen Größenwahn, Fanatismus und Bekennermut. Für ein Christentum ohne Absolutheitsanspruch (“Between Megalomania, Fanaticism, and Courage of Conviction: Toward a Christianity Without Absoluteness”). Bernhardt has also edited ten anthologies, written more than eighty articles for books or encyclopedias and more than fifty articles for scholarly journals.