The Origin of the New Testament: and the most important consequences of the new creation
2,000,000 IRR
The Philosophy of the Church Fathers
5,500,000 IRR
The Promised Savior in Buddhism
1,800,000 IRR
The Prophet’s Household and Their Adversaries
2,000,000 IRR
The Secrets of the “Science of the Letters” In Futūḥāt Makkiyya (Meccan Openings)
1,000,000 IRR
The Society of the Muslim Brothers (Volume 1)
3,500,000 IRR
The Society of the Muslim Brothers (Volume 2)
3,000,000 IRR
The Sufi Chains from the Beginning to the Present
4,000,000 IRR
The Zen Doctrine of No-Mind
1,200,000 IRR
Theological Correspondences: Pattern of Islam-Christianity Relations within History
2,000,000 IRR
Theological Titles
3,000,000 IRR
Theology and Ethics in Seyyed Murtazā Thought
2,200,000 IRR
Theology and Society; History of Religious Thought in Early Islam (2nd Vol.)
8,000,000 IRR
Theology and Society; History of Religious Thought in Early Islam (3rd Vol.)
6,000,000 IRR
Thinking Philosophically: An Introduction to Critical Reflection and Rational Dialogue
5,000,000 IRR
This Was Said by the Buddha: Itivuttaka (ancient Buddhist text)
2,500,000 IRR