لوید ریجن
تاریخ انتشار:

لوید ریجن (Lioyd Ridgeon) پژوهشگر مطالعات اسلامی و استاد دانشگاه گلاسکو است. او تاریخ اسلام، تاریخ مدرن ایران، تاریخ تفکراتی اسلامی و برخی سرفصلها مانند برداشت اسلامی از [حضرت] محمد (Islamic Understanding of Mohammad) را تدریس میکند. زمینه کاری او تاریخ، خداشناسی و سیاست اسلامی، صوفی گری مدرن و کلاسیک، تاریخ و فرهنگ ایرانیان و ادبیات فارسی است. وی مقالات و پژوهشهایی در زمینههای تصوف، روشنفکران و روحانیون ایرانی منتشر کردهاست.
برخی از مهمترین آثار او عبارتند از:
- Ridgeon, Lloyd, (Ed.) (2012) Shi’i Islam and Identity. I.B. Tauris, London. ISBN 9781848856493 (In Press)
- Ridgeon, L. (2012) Naqshbandi admirers of Rumi in the Late Timurid period. Mawlana Rumi Review, 3 . pp. 124–168. ISSN 2042-3357
- Ridgeon, L. (2012) The controversy of Shaykh Awhad al-Din Kirmani and handsome, moon-faced youths. Jounral of Sufi Studies, 1 (1). pp. 3–
- Ridgeon, L., (Ed.) (2011) Islam and Religious Diversity. Series: Critical Concepts in Islamic Studies. Routledge, London. ISBN 9780415590761
- Ridgeon, L. (2011) Jawanmardi: A Sufi Code of Honour. Edinburgh University Press, Edinburgh, UK. ISBN 9780748641826
- Ridgeon, L. (2011) Introduction. In: Ridgeon, L. (ed.) Islam and Religious Diversity. Series: Critical Concepts in Islamic Studies, 1 . Routledge, London, pp. 1–15. ISBN 9780415590761
- Ridgeon, L. (2010) Revolution and a high ranking Sufi. In: Chehabi, H.E. and Martin, V. (eds.) Iran’s Constitutional Revolution: Popular Politics, Cultural Transformations and Transnational Connections. Series: International library of Iranian studies (28). I.B. Tauris, London, UK. ISBN 9781848854154
- Ridgeon, L. (2010) Shaggy or shaved? The symbolism of hair among Persian Sufis. Iran and the Caucasus, 14 (2). pp. 1–28. ISSN 1609-8498 (doi:1163/157338410X12743419190142)
- Ridgeon, L.V.J. (2010) Morals and Mysticism in Persian Sufism: A History of Sufi-Futuwwat in Iran. Series: Routledge Sufi series (10). Routledge, Abingdon, UK. ISBN 9780415544344
- Ridgeon, L., ed. (2008) Iranian Intellectuals: 1997-2007. Routledge, London, UK. ISBN 9780415443289
- Ridgeon, L. (2008) Sufism: Critical Concepts in Islamic Studies. Routledge, London, UK. ISBN 9780415419437
- Ridgeon, L.V.R. (2008) Listening for an ‘authentic’ Iran: Mohsen Makhmalbaf’s film ‘The silence’ (Sokut). In: Ridgeon, L.V.R. (ed.) Iranian Intellectuals: 1997-2007. Routledge, London, UK, pp. 139–153. ISBN 9780415443289
- Ridgeon, L. (2007) The Zurkhana between tradition and change. Iran. Journal of the British Institute of Persian Studies, 45 . pp. 1–23. ISSN 0578-6967
- Ridgeon, L. (2006) Javanmardi: origins and development until the 13th century and its connection to Sufism. Annals of the Japan Association for Middle Eastern Studies, 21 (2). pp. 49–74. ISSN 0913-7858
- Ridgeon, L. (2006) Sufi castigator. Ahmad Kasravi and the Iranian Mystical Tradition. Routledge. ISBN 0415316359
- Ridgeon, L. (2004) War and peace in Islam. In: Schmidt-Leukel, P.H. (ed.) War and Peace in World Religions. Series: The Gerald Weisfeld lectures . SCM Press, pp. 148–180. ISBN 9780334029380
- Ridgeon, L. (2003) The Islamic apocalypse: Mohsen Makhmalbaf’s moment of innocence. In: Plate, S.B. (ed.) Representing Religion in World Cinema. Series: Religion/culture/critique . Palgrave Macmillan. ISBN 140396050X
- Ridgeon, L. (2002) Persian Metaphysics and Mysticism: Selected Works of Aziz Nasafi. Curzon. ISBN 0700706666
- Ridgeon, L. (2000) Makhmalbaf’s Broken Mirror: the Socio-Political Significane of Modern Iranian Cinema. Series: Durham Middle East papers (64). University of Durham. Centre for Middle Eastern and Islamic Studies.