URD President congratulates Christians on Christmas


URD President, Hojjat-ul-Islam-val- Moslemin, Dr. Seyyed Abul-Hasan Navvab issued a Christmas message on Wednesday, Christmas Eve, congratulating the Christian .

URD President, Hojjat-ul-Islam-val- Moslemin, Dr. Seyyed Abul-Hasan Navvab issued a Christmas message on Wednesday, Christmas Eve, congratulating the Christian.

In his message, Dr. Navvab mentioned: “I congratulate all the Christians on the birth anniversary of Jesus Christ, the Prophet of peace, mercy and morality to all his followers and Christian citizens and the whole Christian community from my heart.

 Dr. Navvab also added “the truth is that all of the prophets were sent by Almighty God for one common purpose that is to guide human being and save him from the darkness of ignorance. Today all of the followers of divine Prophets are required to be on the same track.

URD president also wished in his Christmas message: “may God send down all His mercy to the believers”.


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