“The Comparative Review of the Theological Thoughts of QaziAbdoljabbar and of QaziAzadoddinEiji in Case of Monotheism and Divine’s Attributions”
Jjurisprudential Opinions of Rabi ibn Habib and Sheikh Sadough in Ibāḍiyya and Imamites Jurisprudence (with emphasis on two books Jami Sahih and Man lā yahduruhu al-Faqīh)
Imitation of the opposite sex from the point of view of religious law (case studies, arguments and rulings)
“Translation of the Final Part of the Book Madhahib al-Islamiyah, the Parts: Hanafi, Maliki, Shafi’i and Hanbali” (With Review and Analyze)
Assessment of jurisprundential orders of uperintendency on endowment in view of Immaiate and shafiate jurisconsults
A comparative study of the place of first sentence, second and state government in the face of religious minorities in schools of jurisprudence