Study of the Aesthetical-Identitical Impacts of Traditional Architecture in Modern Urban Context: Case Study of Kashan Old Houses
An Investigation Into The Relationship Between Essay of Love by Avicenna And Mulla Sadra’s Theory of Love
Nazm ol-dorar fi Waajibaat al-nazar By: Ibrahim ibn Mohammad ibn Saalim Al-Shaghrawi With Analytical Introduction
The Documents of Teachings of Shia Believes in Imam Ali’s (PBUH) Remarks Specifically in Nahj Albalaghah
An Investigation into the Roots of Takfir (Excommunication) from the viewpoints of the Holy Quran, Hadith, and the Muslim Scholars during the first Three Centuries of Hegira
Methodology Sect Register Ash’ari and Sheikh Mufid relying on the Maqalat Alaslamyyn and Avaeil ula-Maqalat
Pre-Creation of Ahl ul-Bayt (As.) from the viewpoints of the two theological schools (i.e. Qom and Baghdad) (a survey and comparison)
Evolution of the Shiite Justice Theory in the Baghdad and Ray Schools Based on the Two Books of Al-Tamheed by Sheikh Tusi and Al-Munqiz Homsi