Comparative study of Esmat (Infallibility) thought in Zaidiyeh and Ismailieh in the first four centuries of the Hijri
- Author:
- Reza Bazzazi
- Level:
- Master
- Subject(s):
- The difference between Shiites
- Language:
- Farsi
- Faculty:
- Faculty of Shi’i Studies
- Year:
- 2019
- Publisher:
- URD Press
- Supervisor(s):
- Mostafa Jafar Tayyari
One of the most important shia ideas that all shia believe in it, is the thought of infallibility (Esmat). The differences between the two Shia sects of Zaidiyeh and Ismailieh are remarkable, although they have some important things in common about the issue of infallibility, such as the infallibility of the prophets and the infallibility of Ahlebeit (Al-Kisa). In spite of all the differences that Islamic sects and sects of Shia have in their own thoughts, they both believe in the infallibility issue, especially the infallibility of the prophets and Ahlebeit (Al – kisa). One of those differences deals with their viewpoint about deservers of infallibility. The following article addresses the views of the Zaydiyeh and Ismailieh imams and theologians in the first four centuries about the issue of infallibility. In this article, in four chapters, some issues like the definition of infallibility, the foundations of infallibility, the levels of infallibility, the origin of infallibility, the deservers of infallibility, the proofs of infallibility, and the answer to the doubts of infallibility in Zaidiyeh and Ismailieh viewpoints in the first four centuries have been examined. In This article the way of gathering data is descriptive and documentary in the library. The findings are: First, Zeidiyeh and Ismailieh believe that prophets are innocent in consideration and declaration of revelation in principles and details, but in advertising the forgetfulness is allowed. Second, both sects believe in infallibility of prophets and Imams in great sins, but they are not innocent in minor sins. Third, both sects believe in infallibility of Aleh Kisa. Fourth, Zeidiyeh believes in infallibility of Imam Ali, Imam Hassan, Imam Hossein, but Ismaili believe in Infallibility till Imam Jafar Sadeg and after Imam Jafar Sadeg they believe in infallibility of Imam Esmaeel , Mohammad Ebn Esmaeel, and all Imams after him.