Comparing visibility of God theory between “Adliyah”, ” Asha`irah” and “Ahl Hadith”

Tahereh Javadnia
The difference between Shiites
Faculty of Shi’i Studies
URD Press
Seyyed Ali Mousavi Nejad
Mostafa Soltani

Historically, the Perception of Creation and Creator has had a long history. Meanwhile, to discuss about the possibility of seeing God in the day of Resurrection is among issues which has preoccupied human thought a long time ago. Due to background of Islamic Kalam (theology) and According to the theological difference, it is obvious that perception of this issue hasn’t remained as unit form. Various view points of Motekallemin (practitioners of the Kalam) have evaluated it during the history. Each sect according to its principles has expressed its opinion and in the way of its proving, has given Naqli (anecdotal) and Aqli (rational) documents.  Among Islamic Kalami Makatib (schools), there are three major sects and processes including Al- Adliyah , Al-Asha`irah and Ahl Al-Hadith have considered this discussion. Sects of Asha`irah and Ahl Al-Hadith believe to visibility of God in the Hereafter and provided anecdotal (Naqli) and rational (Aqli) evidences. Adliyah believes God is not visible and Meanwhile responded to reasons of Asha`irah and Ahle Hadith sects, provided documentations to substantiate their opinion. In this thesis, idea of these three processes and major Islamic sects is compared separately. The first chapter includes, “Overview”, the second chapter will consider visibility of God, from the perspective of Ahl Al- Hadith and the third chapter is about visibility of God from the perspective of Asha`irah, and the fourth chapter considers visibility of God from the perspective of Adliyah which including sects of Mu’tazilites, Zaydiyya, Ismailiyah and Emamiyeh and Finally, concludes conclusion and summary. Among opinions of sects which was mentioned Adliyah Imamiyah’s opinions in comparing to other theories was preferred and was best