Translation of Fifth, Sixth and Seventh Books of Code of Canon Law with the Addition of Analytic Preface

Khadijeh Mohammadi Shojaie
Abrahamic Religions
Faculty of Religions
URD Press
Hossein Soleimani
Ahmadreza Meftah

Christianity is a religion that is boiled and proud Within Judaism. Despite, significant changes occurred in Christian history which was subsequently removed the Law from the Christian community. On the other hand, the Christian community for his worship and to implement them ordinances and laws needed to regulate relations between members of his community. The code of canon law were formulated according to church tradition. There were various types of codes and then established a coherent set of canons, by the church. In 1917, Pope Benedict was promulgated Latin code. This code was renewed in 1983. The new code, consists of seven books, which are entitled: general norms, the people of God, the teaching function of church, the sanctifying function of church, The temporal goods of the church, Sanctions in the church and Processes.  The present text is translation of the fifth, sixth and seventh of the code. The fifth book is a bout The temporal goods. The Church has the inherent right, independently of any secular power,to acquire, retain, administer and alienate temporal goods, in pursuit of its proper objectives. These proper objectives are principally the regulation of divine worship, the provision of fitting support for the clergy and other ministers, and the carrying out of works of the sacred apostolate and of charity, especially for the needy. The sexth book, deal with the Sanctions. sanctions in the Church are: medicinal or censures and expiatory.  The seventh book is entitled Processes and divided into five parts: Trials in general, The Contentious Trial, Certain Special Processes, The Penal Process and The Manner of Procedure in Administrative.