Sources of Religious Knowledge from the Viewpoint of Shahid Motahhari

Zahra Vahebi
Shia Studies
Faculty of Shi’i Studies
URD Press
Mostafa Jafar Tayyari

the religious knowledge is done by the methodical understanding and the study of religious sources. This type of knowledge has bases, which are based on them, the scientific course in understanding religion, and isfollowed by the conclusion. For their part, Islamic scholars have expressedthe sources of religious knowledge, including those scientists, who haveplayed a great role in advancing the Islamic sciences is motahhari.  He regards the sources of religious knowledge as books, traditions, consensus and reason. it is important to recognize and examine the sources of religious knowledgefor the correct understanding and recognition of religious beliefs. according to motahhari, the islamic who has always paid attention to all the worldly and human needs and applied for that program, is not indifferent tothe sources of knowledge that are necessary to achieve religiousknowledge, so the importance of knowing the sources of knowledge isnecessary. many researchers have examined the opinions and preferences of the professor, but it is not clearly addressed to their opinions on these sources in this research, which has been dealt with descriptive analytical method, after gathering the votes of shahid  in their works in the library method, in the beginning and after addressing the general and concept, motahhari the quran, which is a pure and fundamental source of religion, has been investigated.  After that the miraculous of the quran, invincibility of the quran and the understanding of the koran have been studied from the viewpoint of professor motahhari. Then  the term tradition has been discussed from different views and the distinction of hadith and traditions and proof of authenticity of the prophet (pbuh)and the imams. the definition of the consensus and the reasons for its authenticity has alsobeen clarified, and in the following, reason has been discussed as a sourceof knowledge, variety of reason, qualities of reason, the laws of reason andits limitations, the authenticity of intellectual knowledge in Islam, and thereasons for its authenticity.