Islamic approach in government documents & actions of Islamic Republic of Iran

Raziyeh Masih zadeh
Shia Studies
Faculty of Shi’i Studies
URD Press
Mostafa Jafar Tayyari
Alireza Imani Moghaddam

Approximation of Islamic religions, ie, any Muslim with any Islamic religion, due to the religious commonalities and common enemy, is necessary with other followers of Islamic religions, in line with the ideology of the Qur’an, namely, the unity of the Muslims and to stand against the enemies of Islam in the queues and Any action that leads to the abuse of the enemies of Islam. The existence of widely shared practical and religious beliefs between the Islamic religions, sharing common ground, the common pain and suffering between Muslims, and the requirement for common solutions to these obstacles always require that various studies be conducted to review the passageways of the Islamic faiths It is also necessary to study the role of various components of the formation of the approximation of Islamic religions. Therefore, the current research seeks to explain the role of the Islamic revolution in shaping the approximation of Islamic religions, to examine the views of the leaders of the Islamic Revolution of Iran on the approximation of Islamic religions and to examine the activities of the Islamic Republic of Iran in the endeavor of the Islamic religions to unify the Islamic nations. The method of this research is descriptive-analytic. Considering the fact that most sources of religious approximation relate to the jurisprudential and political domain, reference is made to the collection of the present research by referring to the library documents and articles and articles.