“Capabilities and Functions of Hajj in Increasing Social Solidarity of Muslims in the Manner of Ahl al-Bayt“

Ahmad Khanifari
Studies of Shiite history
Faculty of Shi’i Studies
URD Press
Ali Aghanoori

Since human is a social being, Islam also pays great attention to the issue of social solidarity among people in society. Because of the solidarity of individuals, one can solve problems and achieve significant progress, as well as displaying the great power of Muslims in the world and improving their status. Meanwhile, Western and colonial governments, who have always been fond of greed to the resources of the Islamic world, have made a great effort to fail to achieve solidarity among Muslims, which have been successful so far. In addition to this, instead of kindness and kindness, a grudge and hatred among Muslims will be created. The Holy Prophet and the infallible Imams have made great efforts to create fraternity and fraternity, and their acceptance of the Islamic Ummah is one of the prominent personalities of these magnates, and all Muslims accept that “the voice of the light is under the control of growth”, this privilege for Muslims and to encourage and encourage Muslims to observe mutual rights and to eliminate each other’s intercourse, patience, kindness and brotherhood, especially during the Hajj season, a matter that even a hadith has not entered into. Hence, in this treatise was attempted by a descriptive-analytical method based on the present and promise of the Ahl al-Bayt, capacity and work Findings of the research show that social solidarity of Muslims and displaying the power of Islam in Hajj are the result of returning to the original teachings of the Ahl al-Bayt and the word of tawhid.