Semantic study about The Word in the Quran and the Bible

Mohammad Sadegh Ahmadi
Abrahamic Religions
Faculty of Religions
URD Press
Mehrab Sadegh Nia
Ahmadreza Meftah

“The word” as a particular word, which has been used to describe Jesus in the holy Quran and the holy Bible, is known as a common topic in enter-religious studies. This substance existed before the Quran and the Bible with almost the same meaning. Though it hasn’t been mentioned in the Jewish tradition and the Hebrew Bible directly and explicitly, words like wisdom, Memra’ and etc. has been seen in the Old Testament with the same meaning as “The word” in the Greek philosophy and the New Testament and the Quran. Philo as one of the greatest Jewish philosophers and one of the first theologians has a very important role in entering this term into religious literature. He has enumerated many concepts for “The word”, insofar as; some has calculated Philo’s perception from this word to be over sixty meanings. Saint John as the person, whom directly addressed Jesus with this word in the Old Testament speculated in a Greek atmosphere. When he addressed Jesus with this term in the introduction of his Bible, his readers were familiar with it and they understood it in Greek’s philosophic atmosphere. The holy Quran has mentioned Jesus with this epithet, in some cases explicitly and in some other cases indirectly. This address from Quran is phenomenal in the first view, because among all the prophets, the Quran has only called Jesus with this name, but a survey of Shia’s narratives will evince that the Quran hasn’t endorsed “the word’s” philosophic concept by calling Jesus “The word”, but it has divided a specific meaning from it; a meaning which is also given to the Shia Imams. Shia narratives have given the twelve Imams the merit of being called “The word” and they have presented them as the interceder of divine graciousness; A meaning which is very close to its philosophical meaning. The fact, that whether Quran and Bible have taken this notion from the Greek philosophy and its smaller cultures or not, is a question which will still be left unanswered by the end of this research, though from a historic prospective, the Greek philosophy has bested Quran and Bible in using this concept.