The Patterns of Muslim- Christian Relations through History:A Rereading and Scrutiny of the Project of “Christian-Muslim Relations: A Bibliographical History”

Mohamad Sadegh Ahmadi
Faculty of Religions
URD Press
Bagher Talebi Darabi
Ahmadreza Meftah

This thesis is a descriptive – analytical investigation about the relationship between Islam and Christianity which has been subject to change due to theoretical, political, and economic circumstances. The bibliographical history of relationship between Islam and Christianity is a wholesome project which entails a collection of works which have been produced by both sides form eary Islam till to day. On theoretical studies of the general works on the subject, the findings have showed different pattersn which we tried to categorize into two may ones: DD and AA. Then, based in these theorstical findings, we read the project of Birmingham university called “Christian- Muslim Relations: A Bibliographical History” to find out whether these two patterns can be find in the process of hisoty of not.  The study has showed that these works validate their own religion through apologetic and mostly biased religious arguments. Using the comparative method and Qualitative Content Analysis Method, the result of this investigation was to arrive at those patterns, most of which had been conceived before through conducting studies. The current scrutiny shed some light on the quality of those patterns as well. According to these studies, the most frequently used pattern is to Deny the ideas of the other religion and defend their own (DD), pointed out in micro-patterns. Other Main Pattern in general is Acceptance and Adeption (AA) which means tolerated relations