Stylistic phenomena of the sermons of Iman Hussain (PBUH) in Karbala Incident (A study at the audio and composition level)
Stylistic phenomena in the poetry of Ahmed Fouad Negm Semantic language study “Focus on the complete poetic works”
Stylistic phenomena in Ahmed Gad’s poetry A study on the compositional level of his poetry (Ana Wa Zahrat Alyasamin)
Stylistic phenomena in Imam Ali’s letters to his opponents (Al-Naketheen, Al-Mareqeen and Al-Qasitin)
(Caretaker government legal controls) (A comparative study between the Republic of Iraq, the State of Lebanon and the Islamic Republic of Iran)
Judicial Guarantee for the Employee Against Abuse of Administration in Iraqi, Egyptian and Lebanese Law
Legal guarantees to protect whistleblowers and victims of administrative and financial corruption in Iraqi law