Edition and research The book Ma’dan al-Ma’ani written by Shaikh Sharafual-din Ahmad Manyari with an analytical introduction (from chapters 26 to 40)
“An Emendation and Research of the Book “al-Ulom al-Aliyiah” of Sayyid Haydar Amuli and its Comparison with the Mystical Thoughts of Imam Khomeini”
Correction and research of the “Sharḥ al-masāil al-wasāil fī al-ishārāt wa-l-dalāil” by ʻUmar al-Muqīmī al-Dinawarī’ with an Analytic Introduction
The Correction and Investigation of the “Al-Risala Al-Sultaniyyah Al-Ahmadiyyah fi esbat Al-Esmat Al-Nabaviyyah Al-Muhammadiyyah” Written by Allamah Jalal al-Din Sayyed Abdullah bin Sharafshah Husseini (810 AH)
Correction of the manuscript of the book Tanvir al-Qulub by Mohammad Ibn Morteza Kashani with introduction and comments
Settlement of disputes arising from investment A study of the provisions of the Investment Protection and Promotion Agreement between Iraq and the Islamic Republic of Iran
The Translation of the Second Part of the First Volume of “The Code of Jewish Law”, Alongside the Comparative Preface with Sharaye Ul-Islam of Mohaqeqe Helli