The components of the Islamic state in the era of the Prophet(peace be upon him) A study in the light of the Qur’an and the approach of rhetoric
The Translation of the Second Part of the First Volume of “The Code of Jewish Law”, Alongside the Comparative Preface with Sharaye Ul-Islam of Mohaqeqe Helli
The requirements of human societies and their impact on the curricula of the prophets, a study based on the interpretation of the balance
Comparison of sociological factors of youth tendency to domestic and foreign media (Case study: Eitaa / Telegram)
A Comparative study of Thomas Aquinas and Nasir al-Din al-Tusi, assessment the methodology and efficacy of their theologies
A Comparison between the Viewpoints of the Franciscan Sect with the Order of the Gonabadyeh’s Dervishes
The purposes of the Qur’an in the Seven Mathanis – A Comparative Study between the Interpreters of (Shiites and Ahl al-Sunnah)
Comparing the job satisfaction of reporters in the visual and written media (The Iraqi newspaper Al-Dustour and Al-Furat satellite channel are two examples)