Maliki Ulama’sEncounterwithWahhabi in North Africa (Based on the opinions of the Maliki Ulamaof Morocco, Tunisia and Algeria) since Muhammad ibn Abd al-Wahhab to the present
christology from first council of Nicaea to first council of Constantinopole with emphasis on votes of Cappadocian fathers
Purification of self processes in the Orthodox of Christianity and the Islam, the Shiite With an emphasis on John Klymakvs and Nasir al-Din al-Tusi
place external action hn the mysticism Shiite and Orthodox with emphasis on views Faiz Kashani and Gregory Palamas
Psychological Analysis of Martin Luther’S Personality & its Influence on Reformist Reading of Christianity (with the Emphasis on Erikson’s Psychological Thought in Young Man Luther)
A socio-religious history of the Jews of the Arabian peninsula before and after advent of Islam (6th and 7th century)