A comparative study of minority rights in terms of religious practice and rituals from the viewpoint of Jurisprudential schools with an emphasize on the views of Imam Khomeini
The Translation of the Second Section of Tarikh Al-Mazahib Al-Islamiyyah (Section of Tarikh Al-Mazahib Al-Fiqhiyyah)
Inspection of jurisprudential and legal Of problems of new found of betrayal in honesty (with observance of Emamieh and shafeieh )
Research of juridical criteria of worships booksAlmhlyBelasar (The first book ofcleanlinesstothepoor)
Comparative study of the legal principle (none nonchalance among legal limitation) and its matching item in Islamic jurisprudential schools
“Return to theAge ofIgnorance in Islamic sects’ viewpoints (comparative study of al-Ta’arrobafter immigration) with emphasis oncurrent conditions in contemporary world”
“Religion and politics of people of Hadith in the first three centuries with the emphasis on the views of (Malik bin Anas, Shafi’i, Ahmad ibn Hanbal)”