The effect of vowels and middle sounds in Quranic statements (Surah Al-Furqan as an instance) A semantic-phonetic research
Phonetic and semantic investigation of the effect of vowels and fricative sounds on the discourse of the Quran (Case study: Surah Takwir, Shams, Inshirah, Asr, Falaq, Nas)
The impact of religious behavior on the psychological and social adjustment of orphans in social care institutions in the Republic of Iraq
The influence of Abbasid authority in the writing of history in Chamanzars Tala and the biography of Ibn Hisham and Al-Mufakit Zubair bin Bakr
The influence of Islamic teachings on the way of life of Indian Muslims from the 7th to the 10th century AD (analytical study)
The impact of technical graphic development on Iraqi satellite channels after 2003 Al.Iraqiya channel as a model