Strategic management and its role in the success of media institutions (Al-Iraqiya channel as a model)
The legislative and oversight powers of the Iraqi Council of Representatives according to the 2005 constitution and previous constitutions – a comparative analytical study
The Apparent Competence and its Impact on the Administrative Decision (A Study Between Iraq, France and Egypt)
The Constitutional Competence of Parliament: A Comparative Study between the Iraqi Constitution of 2005 and the French Constitution of 1958
The Divine Test in the Noble Qur’an in the Light of Contemporary Interpretations A Study of its Educational Effects
The social conditions of the companions of the children of Imam Reza, peace be upon him, through the book of Rijal Al-Kashi
Judicial Rulings Issued Against the Administration and the Problems of Their Implementation, A Comparative Study
Administrative Judicial Rulings and Obstruction of Their Implementation in Iraqi Law, a Comparative Study with Algerian and Jordanian Law