Imam al-Sadiq, peace be upon him, and the surrounding environment (a study of his biography and teachings)
The expected mechanisms of the Iraqi government in its fight against soft war Legal study in domestic law and international agreements
Commitment to covenants in married life from a Quranic perspective A study in contemporary interpretationsl 14
Cognitive Assumptions for Man in the Methodology of the Teachings of the Prophets in the Noble Qur’an
The majority and the legitimacy of the ruling regime in political systems, A comparative study between positive law
Official Media and Crisis Response Al-Iraqiya News Channel’s abuse of the Corona pandemic Analytical study of the main news bulletin
Contemporary Islamic media between theory and application in the thought and visions of the religious authority “Sheikh Muhammad Al-Yaqoubi”
My health, high finances, economics, financial laws, you can read a comparison between the laws of Iraq, the Emirates and Lebanon
Moderation in the Qur’an and their impact on the life of the individual and society, emphasizing the Opinion of Muhammad Saeed Ramadan Al-Bouti