The Relationship of Faith and Practice in Protestant Christianity and Imami Shi’a; A Comparative Study between Luther and Al-Tabtaba’i
- Author:
- Abbas Jabbar Hanoon Shabanat
- Level:
- Master
- Field of study:
- Philosophy of Religion
- Language:
- Arabic
- Faculty:
- Faculty of Philosophy
- Year:
- 2022
- Publisher:
- URD Press
- Supervisor(s):
- Jawad Qasemi
The topic of faith and its relationship to practice is one of the most important topics that different religions talk about in general, because of this topic of great importance, as the topic is considered realistic in people’s lives in a large way, and in order for faith to be achieved, good deeds that religions in general and heavenly in particular have urged, and emphasizing them, One of the reasons for choosing the topic is because of its great importance, and we also note the lack of writings by researchers on this topic, and it was not unique to a special study before. The research aims to clarify the concept of faith in religious engineering and to show the circle of practice in religious thought and to show the relationship of faith to practice in Islamic and Christian religious thought and to compare the views of Luther, the Protestant thinker, and Allama Tabatabai, the Shiite thinker. Through the discussion of this topic, we will get acquainted with the concepts of faith and practice, the relationship between them, and knowledge of Protestantism and Imami Shiites. Therefore, the analytical descriptive research method was adopted in writing this research. The commonalities and differences between Shiites and Protestantism in the subject of the relationship of faith with practice are many, including that the doctrine of salvation and deliverance according to Luther is by faith alone and not by practice through the church, which has placed itself as a mediator between God and man to prove that the good practices performed by the believers do not contribute to the act of justification, so long as Salvation is gained through faith alone, and this grace and salvation is not only related to the individual’s relationship with God, but also has moral and social effects related to the relationship of individuals to each other.