The Status of Reason in Islamic Philosophy and the School of Separation According to the views of Ayatollah Abdollah Javadi Amoli and Mohammad-Reza Hakimi

Gholam-Hossein Erfani
Field of study:
religious studies
Faculty of Religions
URD Press
Mohammad Mehdi Alimardi
Mohammad-Reza Mostafapour

Reason (or Intellect on another terminology) is one of the realities of the universe and the identity of humanity, which has been emphasized both in sciences and in religious teachings. Some, despite accepting the intellect, find it unable in discovering knowledge and proving the truths of the world; on the other hand, others, including most of the believers in religions, assign an important role for reason in the universe and in the human epistemology. Now, the question is: What is the perception of these two groups of intellect, one of which does not give a place to it and the other considers a superior position for it?

This research seeks to answer this question, but from two perspectives: the view of Ayatollah Javadi as a representative of Islamic philosophy and the view of Mohammad-reza Hakimi as a representative of the School of Segregation.

The research has been done in a descriptive-analytical manner. According to Mohammad-Reza Hakimi and on his special reading of the intellect, he considers the innate intellect to be the discoverer of truths, it is the abstract light and outside of the truth of man, but human reason alone does not contribute to the understanding of religious teachings. On the other hand, Ayatollah Javadi considers the intellect, along with narration (book and tradition), as the provider of religious knowledge and, along with narration, as the provider of the epistemological dimension of religion.