Correction of the manuscript of the book Tanvir al-Qulub by Mohammad Ibn Morteza Kashani with introduction and comments

Ali Reza Azarpykan
Field of study:
History of Shiism
Faculty of Shi’i Studies
URD Press
Iman Amini

Nur al-Din Muhammad ibn Shah Morteza ibn Muhammad Mu’min ibn Shah Morteza I ibn Shah Mahmud, known as Nur al-Din Akhbari, is from the mystical family of Feyz Kashani, one of the scholars and elders of his time, and one of the students of Mullah Mohsen Feyz Kashani and Allameh Majlisi. .

The book Tanvir al-Qulub is written by Mullah Nur al-Din Muhammad ibn Morteza Kashani, which was written in 1138 AH by Zayn al-Abidin ibn Abi al-Hasan ibn Kitabullah. This book has short introductions and fourteen chapters. Which the author mentions in the introduction of the book.He has taken advantage of the words of the elders of the religion and the followers of the Shari’a and the friends of the Ahl al-Bayt (PBUH) and the Shiites of the family of the messengers and the seeke and mystics of the secrets of the Shari’a who have obtained the knowledge of the prophets and messengers and the family of the knowledge of certainty.In this dissertation, after reviewing the biography, works, writings, professors and students of Mullah Noureddin, the student has reviewed and corrected the book Tanvir al-Qulub by Mullah Noureddin. In correcting Tanvir al-Qulub, he has used four counted copies of the library of the Islamic Consultative Assembly of Tehran and the library version of the late Ayatollah Marashi Qom and the institute copy of the late Ayatollah Boroujerdi of Qom and the library version of the Tehran Literature.