The Impact of the Use of Facebook on the Psychological States of Adolescents from the Point of view of Experts and Specialists

Saad Mohammad Ziareh al-Rawiy
Field of study:
Faculty of Social Sciences, Media and Communication
URD Press
Vahide naim abadi
Mohammad Mehdi Baghdadi

The purpose of this research is to investigate how Facebook affects the mental states of teenagers from the point of view of experts and specialists. And this work is done by clarifying the different aspects of the mental states of teenagers who are influenced by Facebook and examining their mental states. It should be mentioned that the Facebook affects teenagers with the method of identity formation, integration and social interaction. In order to collect data and cover the topic, relying on in-depth questions, the researcher reached results based on scientific foundations, therefore, for the purpose of sampling, he selected 12 experienced specialists and experts in the fields of media and psychology. . This research achieved results, including: the most important physical problem of teenagers when using Facebook excessively, ischemic heart diseases and complications, movement problem or movement imbalance, vision problems, general headache, back problems, deficiency Appetite, and physiological stimulation, these effects were classified into three categories: cognitive disorders, mood disorders, and anxiety disorders. And most of these complications include behavioral disorders, which accounted for 42% of the examined samples. Also, the results showed that the negative effects of excessive use of Facebook in teenagers include: selfishness and arrogance towards others, decreased trust in others, tendency to deviant behaviors, susceptibility to drugs, increased sexual desire. and its deviations, tendency to crime, weakening of family relationships, hatred of others’ success, unwillingness to take advice, feelings of hatred towards others, tendency to racist behavior, tendency to disrespect the rights of others and especially copyright, violence Verbal, snub with others, hypocritical behavior, quick to anger, unusual behavior, neglect of social obligations, bad eating, and misinterpretation of subjects. Based on its findings, this research provided recommendations, the most prominent of which were: the need to conduct in-depth studies on the impact of Facebook on teenagers, encouraging the families of teenagers to teach their children about the dangers of Facebook. Filling teenagers’ free time with useful social, sports, cultural activities, and enriching curriculums in different stages with information about the dangers and negative effects of Facebook.