The beginnings of the Ismailis in Yemen and their conflicts with the Zaydis

Ahmad Ali Kadhim
Field of study:
Islamic History
Faculty of History
URD Press
Mohammad Javdan
Zainab Hamza Al Sarawi

This dissertation is about the emergence of the Ismaili sect in Yemen and their conflicts with the Zaidi sect, and in some of the written references and books, it may not be possible to find what guides us and enlightens us about their emergence and their conflicts, which some people became very sad because of the lack of it. Accurate history or politics for them, but they did not stop for their most important quarrels, except that the most of their arguments were about the fights between Ismailis and Zaidiyya in Yemen, so the most difficulties in removing the veil from the face of all the cases that are related to Ismailis in a frame. Therefore, we have taken an easy path so that it becomes clear and easy for us to reach the Ismaili clan, which by collecting the sources and authentic books written about them, to get what is fruitful in science, to identify the movement of the Ismailis and As for the creation of their government in Yemen by those who ruled and believed in Ismail, the son of Imam Sadiq, and believed in all the infallible Imams, peace be upon them.

The purpose of this dissertation is to unveil the most important disputes between the Ismaili and Zaydi sects and is based on three foundations: political, economic, and cultural and their intellectual conflicts. And in this thesis, one of the most important results we reached are: the increase and expansion of the rulers in Yemen, the instability and their understanding of the affairs of the country and its organization caused the division and weakness of the political and economic situation in Yemen, the conflicts between the Ismailis And Zaidian took place in Yemen, followed by historical influence. Civil factors and wars caused the disintegration of Yemeni society, and although the Zaidi imams came out with swords to declare jihad, their jihad was not against polytheists and infidels, but against their Ismaili brothers. The Ismaili sect is the most harmful sect as a result of the wars and distortions that have continued for hundreds of years from the beliefs it accepts, and the Ismailis believe that they do not speak openly about the end of the prophethood of the Holy Prophet. God’s peace be upon him). And the persistence of revelation, the end of information, on the contrary, they do not believe in this, which opens up space for charlatans and deceivers.. To deny monotheism and prophethood, but it is the best pillars. The Zaydis do not consider it to be one of the pillars of the religion, but the caliphate was for the Companions and the Imams.

And in this thesis, the descriptive, analytical, and historical methods are used in describing the historical events that are specific to the Ismailis and Zaidis.