Contextual semantic phenomena of the words jihad In “Nahj al-Balagha”
- Author:
- Ali Sabah Fazel
- Level:
- Master
- Field of study:
- Arabic Language and Literature
- Language:
- Arabic
- Faculty:
- Faculty of Nations Cultures and Languages
- Year:
- 2020
- Publisher:
- URD Press
- Supervisor(s):
- Hasan Rahmani Raad
Jihad is one of the expressions that has allocated a wide range of Imam Ali’s speeches in Nahj Al-balaghah to itself. lots of expressions that are related to Jihad in sematic field, shows the importance of this subject among Muslim Arabs. Jihad has distinctive feature and special aspect for Imam Ali. Inasmuch as we see that he regards this issue with a wider and more general insight than idiom and vocabulary linguists. Jihadi thinking of Imam Ali, is one of the most important and the most prominent feature of his character based on leadership and command that includes all the aspects of leadership in mental, political, military and social levels. If we have a look at Imam Ali’s speeches, we find out this idiom has different meanings with the contexts that are included in it. Imam Ali has selected expressions of Jihad as he had paid close attention to definite place and intended intentions of these expressions in terms of literal and sematic one. This research, which is based on descriptive and analytical way, is a serious effort in accurate analyzing for expressions of Jihad in Nahj Al-Balagha and also detecting kinds of contexts that these expressions have been used in them as a result they’ve got different meanings. Current research has clarified some important results such as: agreement and coincidence of semantic and social context of Nahj Al-Balagha, using expressions that are related to Jihad because of achieving purposes that revolve around Islam and beliefs. Also using these expressions by Imam Ali are because of creating artistic innovations and beautifying literary images.