A stylistic comparison between Zuhair ibn Abi Salmi and Abu Talib (Stylistic research in terms of grammar and semantics)

Ibtihal Hussein Mohammed Almhanah
Field of study:
Faculty of Nations Cultures and Languages
URD Press
Abir Al-Jaderi

Balance is taken from the word weight and is used to evaluate something and show its value. It has also been said that it means comparing meanings with the use of meanings in order to overcome the superior meaning over the superiority.

The term is used in Arabic literature as a critical term that refers to a critical comparison between two kinds of literature, two ideas,  two works, two schools, or two personalities  (scientists or poets), in a specific place and with a specific purpose. In fact, balance is a
means of comparing poets and evaluating them. This trend began in the pre-Islamic era when storytelling and gatherings increased, and attention to critical opinions and evaluations intensified because the comparison of poets required conditions, the most important of which is their dependence on a particular place, time, or sect. The comparison chosen by the researcher is a comparison between two poets named Zuhair Ibn Abi Salmi and Aboutaleb, which is their common point in their creativity and good speech. Therefore, the comparison of these two poets is based on their creativity and mastery, despite the
differences in their literary tastes and beliefs.