The place in the poems of Habib al-Samer, an inductive study
- Author:
- Ali Jabber Kadhim
- Level:
- Master
- Field of study:
- Arabic Language and Literature
- Language:
- Arabic
- Faculty:
- Faculty of Nations Cultures and Languages
- Year:
- 2021
- Publisher:
- URD Press
- Supervisor(s):
- Nasser Qasemi
The place has a significant role in the man’s life as it is connected to his consciousness since his childhood, so he could deposit a great amount of good or bad feelings and memories in his mind, and also he could keep in mind all the features of that place. Thus, a place is not just a piece of land or a geographic range which means nothing to man; it is rather a part of his life, and for this reason we find that it contains obvious presence in most of creators, and thus we see them singing those places with their poems. The poem Habib al-Samer is almost fond of the place and has had strong feelings with it, so he recalls all those place affected him in his poems. But this presence and recall are not empty of special signs which he tries to show them to the readers, and therefore, he chose a subject titled (the place in the poems of Habib al-Samer, an inductive study), and thus, this study became a complement of my MA in Arabic literature. This study I have made is affected by many reasons, such as: 1.The fertilizing poems which needs to be studied. 2.A try to know the secret of poet’s connection Habib al-Samer with the place. 3.The uncommonness of the subject. The paradox of this research is based on a question to achieve the theoretical and practical framework of the subject, according to a dialogue based on some questions: 1.What is the essence of the place and its philosophy? 2. How the dimensions of the place have been formed, and its levels in the poems of al-Samer? 3.How did the place beauty appear by language and picture in al-Samers’ poems? 4. What does the place appear like in al-Samer’s poems, and how could he use it? I have made this study in three chapters proceeded by an introduction, depending on the analytic and descriptive method Because this approach describes and analyzes poetic texts accurately according to what is required. In the end of the research the researchers has reached the following results:
- The multitude of the place’s signs, dimensions, levels and modes in al-Samer’s poems, and the place therefore was loaded with historical, social and spiritual signs.
- The study showed the effect of al-Samer by the Iraqi place and he could describe his condition through it.