The Procedural Law of the Administrative Courts A Comparative Study Between Iraqi and French Law

Naser Abdulkadhim Mukheef Mukheef
Field of study:
Faculty of Law
URD Press
Ibrahim Musazadeh

The fundamentalist rules in civil matters have the importance of the administrative judiciary, one of the pillars of the rule of law, and it is the second wing of the State Consultative Council. This council can not be a watchdog over the administration’s application of the law except by completing its competence by including the administrative judiciary in addition to its original competence in auditing, codifying and drafting legislation projects. And fatwa and advice are contested by the word pleadings in Iraq, and procedural law in France, and from here the problem of research arises in what is the impact and role of procedural law in the courts of administrative justice in Iraqi law and French law? The administrative authority is concerned with examining the appeals submitted by persons against the decisions issued by government employees and bodies in the state, and after a clear effort from advisors, judges, lawyers and jurists, the legislation emerged into the world of existence, so the Administrative Judiciary Court established that the aim of our research is to study the objective conditions of the procedural law system before the judiciary Iraqi and French administrators. The importance of the research lies in the need of the Arab Public Law Library for such specialized studies in the field of urgency before the administrative judiciary in a country that represents the most advanced model under the dual justice system. Embodying the role of the administrative judiciary in protecting the rights and interests of citizens in cases of urgency, especially within the scope of administrative decisions that Issued against the interests of citizens or affecting their basic freedoms. The objectives of the research are to study the objective conditions of the procedural law system before the Iraqi and French administrative judiciary and its applications within the scope of basic freedoms, especially after the procedural law was issued before the administrative judiciary, considering that these conditions are a backbone and the descriptive analytical approach was followed in writing the research and from God success and payment.