The scientific relations between Imam Ja`far Muhammad al-Sadiq, peace be upon him, and his honorable companions from the end of the Umayyad rule until his death in the first Abbasid era (132 AH, 750 AD – 765 AD, 148 AH)

Saad Abdulazeez Sayer
Field of study:
Islamic History
Faculty of History
URD Press
Ramazan Mohammadi

Imam al-Sadiq lived through one of the harshest periods of Islamic history as a whole, between the collapse of the Umayyad state, which was dancing the last dance of death, and it tightened the screws more and more on those who opposed it.  Then the Abbasid revolution succeeded in its call and transferred the caliphate to it, and the nascent state needed to consolidate its foundations, and this was only possible with more oppression of its opponents. At that time, Imam al-Sadiq developed his strategy based on building a school of thought that could deal with political oppression. His school included more than four thousand friends, making it the largest school in Islamic history. His school included various scientific spectrums, among the speakers, hadith scholars, poets, scholars, jurists and others, and this school played the desired role on the scientific level, but it failed on the political side to achieve its principles due to the fact that the Abbasid authority was in the lookout.