The Political Poetry of the Poet Yahya Al-Samawi and Hamid Sabzwari (A Comparative Study)

Field of study:
Arabic Language and Literature
Faculty of Nations Cultures and Languages
URD Press

Since political poetry is one of the most important topics that contemporary literature touches upon, because it expresses the aspirations and aspirations of peoples, except if this poetry was within the borders of one particular country, or was outside the borders of the country, which is concerned with this study of comparative literature, which is the study of literature beyond the borders of a particular country and the study of relations Among the literatures outside the borders of that country, that is, it is the science of moving from one country to another and from one language to another.

 This study examines the political aspect of the poet Yahya al-Samawi from Iraq and Hamid Sabzwari from Iran, who are talented and industrious poets, as their poetry varied and their poetic purposes varied.

 The importance of this study is the interest of scholars in various studies and in comparative study, and its concepts are numerous in terms of similarities, differences and embracing of thought. The main question in this study is what are the points of similarity and difference in the political poetry of both poets Yahya al-Samawi and Hamid Sabzwari. What is new in this research is that it dealt with political poetry in the poetry of the two poets, al-Samawi and al-Sabzwari, as a “comparative study”, which the previous studies did not address to this study, making it a different study from the rest of the studies that preceded it.

 The method used in this study is based on the descriptive analytical method and the comparative method, and this did not prevent the use of other curricula. This study applies to the French school.

 The aim of this study is to clarify the artistic, cultural and literary characteristics of the political poetry of the poets Yahya al-Samawi and Hamid Sabzwari, and to determine the extent of similarities and differences between the two cultures. Among the similarities and differences between the poet Yahya al-Samawi and Hamid Sabzwari, and among the similarities that the two poets shared: freedom, love of the homeland, resistance to authority, occupation and martyrdom. Among the differences between them: alienation and the fall of the Baathist regime and the destruction of wars and terrorism, found in the poetry of the poet Yahya al-Samawi, glorification of the mujahideen, steadfastness and defiance, found in the poetry of the poet Hamid al-Sabzwari. The political poetry of the two poets, Yahya al-Samawi from Iraq and Hamid Sabzwari from Iran, has a different style. It is what is known as the serious style, and is committed to the national issues that concern their countries.